






简介落魄吃鸡大神吴铭重回VR游戏《天梯战地》残酷赛场,这一次他不仅想洗去“代打”污名,还要重登神坛——什么?!在游戏里挂掉,现实身体也会嗝屁! 【每周三/周六更新】




















简介即将面临职场挑战的大学实习生,竟然收到了一个神秘初中生的告白威胁?! “不做我的女朋友,就滚出这家公司!” 好不容易获得了梦寐以求的工作,难道会以这种因垂死听方式被终结?小鬼的告白到底是认真的还是另有目的? 虽然年龄相差,思想相差无限!2017年最搞笑的姐弟恋故事即将上演!






内容简介:  携带魔兽圣骑士之书,穿越漫威宇宙,成为阿斯加德的草药店学徒工罗维·加里森。  圣盾术,复仇之怒,萨弗隆战锤,灰烬使者……魔兽世界的法术、神器在漫威的世界中光芒绽放。  “为了联盟, 啊不……为了阿斯加德!”罗维举起战锤,在圣光闪耀中高喊,“冰霜巨人,克里人,灭霸……接受来自正义的亲切问候吧!”____________西瓜催更群qq:1508722411w0-16 >>




内容简介:明帝之子万古神帝免费全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《明帝之子万古神帝免费》张若尘池瑶著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读明帝之子万古神帝免费全文内容 。1w12092-74293 >>


内容简介:【下本沙雕爽文预收《穿进虐文后我拿了性转剧本》求收藏】xA木若瑶上辈子是个暴躁女诗人,怼天怼地怼朝廷,却因为用词粗俗被文人圈子所诟病。xA死后她被安排进了穿书系统,穿成了替身文里的白月 光替身。xAxA原主刚进娱乐圈没多久,就被大佬男主程宴庭看中,折磨了半年就一命呜呼了。xA木若瑶愤慨的表示:天下竟有如此不公之事?看我怼他!xAxA于是——xA初入娱乐圈的她很快在酒会上被秃顶油腻投资人看中:“众里寻他千百度……”xA木若瑶:“蓦然回首,那人却在地中海深处?”xAxA某个私生男饭在酒店楼下挡住她的去路:“问世间情为何物……”xA木若瑶鸭舌帽一戴:“只教人见你就吐?”xAxA某金牌经纪人想挖木若瑶墙角:“终于让我逮到你了……”xA木若瑶:“擒贼先擒王,骂人先骂娘?不好意思老子是你擒不住的西楚小霸王。”xA经纪人满眼惊喜,递给她一张女团rapper邀请函:“就你了!”xA木若瑶:???xAxAxA彼时与程宴庭再次相遇,木若瑶早已是红遍大江南北的女团C位。xA纸醉金迷的酒会上,程宴庭目光贪恋地停留在她身上。xA木若瑶咂舌:“商女不知亡国恨……”xA程宴庭:“隔江犹唱双节棍?”xA木若瑶:???狗男人想抢我C位?xAxA【【高亮排雷:1、这真的只是一篇沙雕文,为了搞笑而搞笑,请学识渊博对本文看不上的读者大大静悄悄的离开吧,万分感谢】】xA【【2、文案从来没有说女主是个rapper,只是经纪人希望她去参加女团rap位置的比赛而已。文案中女主说的话也只是为了怼坏人的沙雕梗,并不是rap。】】xA【【3、拒绝只看文案就长篇大论】】xAxAxA下本沙雕爽文预收《穿进虐文后我拿了性转剧本》求收藏xAxA宋优死后才知道自己是一篇狗血虐文里的女主。xA渣男主不但与白莲花女二和绿茶女三纠缠不清,还为了救女二的命割掉了她的肾。xA在她死后渣男主也没有得到好下场,公司破产被反派反杀,最终凄惨死去。xAxA再睁眼时,她回到了学生时代与渣男初遇的那一天。xA只是坐在豪车里的是她,骑着破烂单车上学的是渣男。xA一切都互换了。xAxA她成了拥有男主人设的霸道女总裁,原本的渣男主却拿了女主的惨虐剧本。xAxA出手阔绰的豪门老爸打算送刚刚升入高中的女儿一样礼物,豪气地问她:“你想要什么,爸爸都能给你弄到手!”xA宋优指了指车窗外路过的渣男:“就要他的肾吧。”xA老爸:???xAxA拿到性转剧本的宋优发现书中所有人都性转了:xA白莲花女二变成了帅气的摇滚乐队男主唱,在星光璀璨的舞台上对宋优表白:“这首歌送给我最爱的优优。”xA绿茶女三变成了听话乖巧的小奶狗:“我不会打扰姐姐的生活的,我只想要 >>




内容简介:厌倦了战场的刀光剑影,兵王林重选择回到了都市。为照顾战友家人,他变身保镖,自此以后,他的身边就不断有美女纷纷上门,邻家可人的小妹妹,冷艳高贵的女总裁,妩媚动人的交际花,还有火爆热辣的女 警花。面对着花花世界,军中王者将如何铁血化柔情,成就王者传奇!1w18667-28549 >>


Gisele is a happy-go-lucky princess of an empire covered in snow, renowned for its production of androids. To make her smile more often and avoid all the boring princess responsibilities, Nero builds an android identical to her to act as her double. But when her power-hungry and warmongering father decides to marry her off to a prince of another warring country and use her android double as leverage, what will happen to these two and their country?!

Jounetsu Kakumei

Jounetsu Kakumei From Nakama: Goutokuji's problem is this: he goes on a rampage every time he gets excited. When it comes to doing H stuff, he might hurt his loving lover, Kitami! Although he desperately holds his passionate heart in check, one night, Kitami confesses that he wants to do it with Goutokuji!? A state of emergency appears for sexy salarymen! Rainbow Record The outgoing Takashi and the shy Asou are co-workers at a record store; but they are also lovers. Takashi is a passionate fan of the rock band Jetnumbers; is his passion for the band deeper than his passion for his lover? Song of Beginning Kentarou has been living with the writer Kazuki for more than a year; from the beginning it was always Kentarou that chased after Kazuki. Kentarou cannot stand feeling unloved anymore, and moves home to his parents. But is he really unloved?!


Nagakado [Seyu] was a fairly normal boy, albeit a trap genius. He and his father lived comfortably in a small town. However, that innocent family had secrets that Nagakado [Seyu] was only half-aware of. Everyone in the family line inherited a strange sword, a black katana that is much heavier than it looks and is only usable by people of Nagakado's [Seyu's] bloodline. They also passed on a strange star-shaped mark on their chests, and as Nagakado [Seyu] inherits the mark, the mark on his father's chest fades. Soon after Nagakado [Seyu] learns his family's secrets, his father is accused of treason and is taken away to a larger city. He follows them, carrying along his heavy heirloom. Eventually, Nagakado [Seyu] finds that his father has been murdered, hence he sets out for revenge. Along the way, he meets a beautiful assassin named Natsume [ Megumi ] . What adventures could the future hold for these two? Note: The names in the [ ] are the names of the characters from the latest scanlated manga release of this series

Divine Melody

This is a wonderful tale set in historical times that deals with amazing legends... A strong and active young boy named Duo Xi and a gentle young girl named Xiao Que live in a village at the base of a mountain which, legend has it, is home to female fox demons. Among the foxes is the very special Cai Sheng--a little girl fox with the power to one day become what only the most powerful foxes can become: a man, able to sire celestial fox children. Lonely, with no one her age to play with, the child fox Cai Sheng descends to the village and plays with Duo Xi and Xiao Que, and when the little fox child is attacked by a dog, it's the two human children who save her! Now the humans are marked, and will remain so--even in their lives to come--until Cai Sheng repays her debt to them... Two hundred years later, Cai Sheng is more powerful and has mastered the art of becoming a man...and she still owes a debt to the reincarnated children! -- ShoujoMagic (Clarifying note: Very low ecchi content)

Age Of The Pussyfoot

Age Of The Pussyfoot summary: Age Of The Pussyfoot summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Age Of The Pussyfoot. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

In the Land of Temples

In the Land of Temples summary: In the Land of Temples summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Land of Temples. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Pines of Lory

The Pines of Lory summary: The Pines of Lory summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pines of Lory. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Year When Stardust Fell

The Year When Stardust Fell summary: The Year When Stardust Fell summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Year When Stardust Fell. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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