






类别玄幻 都市
























类别玄幻 动作 校园


内容简介:一百年之后,一个人打井偶然发现了秦始皇陵的入口。世界顶级专家组成一个考古队,霍桑任考古队长。进入秦始皇地宫。中国特种部队教官临风担任考古队护卫。大战地宫鼠王和白化巨蟒,历经艰险抵达地宫 深处,奇珍异宝数不胜数。整个地宫以寒武纪黑鳞岩为苍穹,镶嵌夜明珠和钻石为星辰。秦始皇是一座金身塑像,以鎏金包裹尸骨,他没有棺材,坐在流光溢彩的宫殿正中,手握一把神剑。阅读一卷竹木简,传国玉玺也放在面前的玉几上。竹木简上是蝌蚪文。无人读懂,后来被陆离教授破译。里面隐藏着一个关于世界末日的秘密。秦始皇手里握着的神剑乃是陨石打造,有着神奇的力量,但是这把剑被盗墓贼吉斯抢走。从秦始皇陵地宫出来以后,临风为了夺回焰火神剑,他和考古队长霍桑,以及霍桑的孙女朵拉,从此开始了世界范围的冒险之旅。一路上历经磨难,探寻北极水晶洞,穿越死亡山谷,闯入亚马逊森林,最终集齐了三颗陨石。找到了传说中的失落之城,然后,世界末日即将来临……蜘蛛鼎力大作,必看恐怖小说。1w0-30941 >>


内容简介:陈玄北外号地藏,意外穿越到惊悚降临的平行宇宙。n陈玄北身上纹着十殿阎王,肩膀上扛着死神巨镰:“抱歉各位,这个地盘我要了!”n裂口女:“警察局吗?有个人把我嘴缝上了!对,剪刀也给我扔了! ”n贞子:“城管吗…1w0-98670 >>


内容简介:都说穿越历史,知道剧透,就能规避风险、正确站队,养成潜力股,抱紧粗大腿。剧透在手,天下我有,实乃走上人生巅峰一大金手指。然而现实是说好的救世主不务正业,说好该消停的反派搞事不止,只想吃 瓜看戏的自己成了被赶上架的鸭子。神仙乱窜,剧情神展,每天都在怀疑自己学的是假历史。面对着这个貌似哪里都不对的世界,姜沅芷镇定地抹了一把1w0-84038 >>


内容简介:江沼从小就喜欢太子陈温,为了他将自己活成了绿茶,终于在触碰到陈温的底限,伤害了他的‘心尖尖’表妹后,被陈温一怒之下退了婚。所有人都以为江沼不会就此善罢甘休,三日后江沼却推开门,彻底放下 了。捂不热的冷玉,她决定不捂了。1w0-2403 >>


内容简介:一本神秘的黄皮古书,将陆小千带到了修真界。而这个黄皮古书,竟是陆小千未来女儿的来信,信上说大乘期的红尘仙子是她妈,让陆小千去追求红尘仙子。陆小千感觉不靠谱,自己一介凡人,怎可追求大乘期 仙子?于是陆小千反倒其行,决定反套路干一票大的,干完就跑路。陆小千:“道友请留步,你与我有缘……”只不过让陆小千万万没想到的是,拜进了一个宗门,竟比女儿还要坑。陆小千:我就想安静的修个仙,你们哪来那么多戏啊!一名《我被未来女儿坑成了仙帝》又名《未来女儿来信,说红尘仙子是她妈》再名《安静修仙,你们不要搞事情啊》最后就《修仙:从忽悠老婆开始》了。1w0-37884 >>


内容简介:中西医内外科全能,尤其擅长整形外科的著名医师谢云瑶,游泳池里穿越古代,变成了大齐国臭名昭著,且惨遭太子退婚的恶毒村姑!谢云瑶不甘恶名,穿男装化身郎中,悬壶济世赚钱养家,惹下桃花无数,可 她却拒绝了所有追求…1w0-74056 >>

Viva Love You

Lee Si-Hyun runs a late night podcast that deals with matters of the heart. Her friends listen as she gives them advice on how to deal with their relationships. The only trouble is, she's never fallen in love in her life. All that might change when a new teacher shows up at her school...

Kataribe No List

From: Easy Going Scans A watch that controls time, a marble that can find items and a stick of chalk that can kill any human... The items of the mysterious girl, List of the antiques, all hold their unique magical powers. Without our noticing, they slowly merge into our daily lives. If you strain your hearing you might discover the mysterious secrets hidden throughout the world. The curtain of this antiques fairy tale finally rises!

Tsukiyoda Sadame No Sekai No Sukuikata

From MangaHelpers: Tsukiyoda Sadame is a high-schooler and hypocrite who plans to use his charisma to take over the world. Through his machinations, he is able to become instantly popular as soon as he transfers into his new school, to the point where he's nominated as the class rep! However, there is another manipulator at work in his class, also trying to claim power: a girl named Kokoro. While following her after school (totally not stalking her, though, nothing creepy), Sadame runs into a weird old man. It seems he's been getting 'missions' on his smartphone, and if he doesn't complete them, the world will be destroyed. Soon Sadame is recognized as a 'messiah' as well, and he gets his first mission-- to steal Kokoro's panties. Could these missions really be from God, and how can he possibly complete them and save the world without utterly ruining his carefully designed public persona!? [tethysdust] -------------------- Tsukiyoda Sadame, a hypocrite and a high-schooler who dreams of conquering the world. A person who's popular the moment he transfers into his new school. But suddenly a terrible truth is revealed to him! That there are these awfully ridiculous missions that he has to clear. And if he doesn't manage to clear them... the world will end?! Is this the work of God, or the Devil's deed? Your pride, honour, and appearances - cast it all aside and save the world, Tsukiyoda Sadame!


From the Animeraider: Sugata Sanshirou has been studying martial arts in the wilderness, becoming strong and fast. When Sanshirou’s grandfather tells of a promise made long ago to a family friend he tells Sanshirou it is time to go to the city and meet the girl Sanshirou is engaged to. It’s a shock, but Sanshirou goes to the city. Toyotomi Sanshirou is a young man with some fighting experience in the city, and some training thanks to his grandfather’s doujo, but he’s not really into it – although he won’t back down from a fight or from defending his family’s honor. He comes home one day to find his sister Mifumi arguing with his grandfather about an arranged marraige to a boy with the same name as him. He believes this is his way out of being the top fighter in the doujo and he welcomes the pending arrival of this new Sanshirou as his ticket out of there. Okay, two problems (and you knew that they would be there). One, Sugata Sanshirou is a girl, and two, she’s determined and honor bound to become the wife of the only son at the Doujou – namely, Toyotomi Sanshirou. Oh, and one more thing – she’s stronger than everyone else at the Doujou combined. Perhaps stronger than everyone in the city combined…

The Man With The Golden Torc

The Man With The Golden Torc summary: The Man With The Golden Torc summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Man With The Golden Torc. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Lay-Man's Sermon upon the Late Storm

The Lay-Man's Sermon upon the Late Storm summary: The Lay-Man's Sermon upon the Late Storm summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lay-Man's Sermon upon the Late Storm. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Enchanted Castle

The Enchanted Castle summary: The Enchanted Castle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Enchanted Castle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Somehow Got Strong By Raising Skills Related To Farming

I Somehow Got Strong By Raising Skills Related To Farming summary: To live as a top-cla.s.s farmer, Al・Wayn levelled up his agricultural skills, and sometimes his other skills by helping out his friends. One day, when his last skill level hit MAX, his life changes. “I want to live as a farmer!!”

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