

















细思极恐 M

类别悬疑 恐怖














内容简介:白寻音初中毕业那年无意间被应激创伤,成了不能开口说话的‘小哑巴’高中第一年,她一直是在周围人的冷嘲热讽和歧视欺凌中度过的直到高二的时候,白寻音遇到了喻落吟他清隽,优雅,剑眉星目,是校草 ,更是全校女生的梦想但于白寻音而言,喻落吟是第一个护着她,对她笑,给她讲题,跟她一起吃午饭的人少年时期的暧昧来的汹涌而朦胧,白寻音高二那年的日记本写满了‘喻落吟’三个字白寻音不奢求喻落吟喜欢她,只是没想到高三那年,会在走廊拐角处无意中看到他的‘真面目’喻落吟清隽优雅的表皮下是斯文败类,他对他那两个玩世不恭的狐朋狗友笑着说——“小哑巴开始喜欢我了,打赌到此为止,陪着她早就腻了。”白寻音不会说话,可眼睛会哭。自那以后,她没给过喻落吟一个正眼。直到喻大少爷冷嘲,热讽,摔桌子,道歉,甚至自残各种方式都还是没用之后,他不得不单膝跪在白寻音面前,眼眶通红声音嘶哑的求——“音音,原谅我一次,这辈子不敢了。”各位书友要是觉得《痛症》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29531 >>




内容简介:全球大佬团宠后,小撩精野翻了【甜宠爽强】司家声名狼藉的女儿,从乡下回来了。众人闻之,纷纷唾弃!草包千金、粗野村姑、恶毒魔头……直到某天——名震中外的救世药主,是她。神秘莫测的金牌法医, 是她1w58395-82381 >>


内容简介:陆星辰获得了史上最邪恶的大反派系统。一切针对他的痛恨、憎恶、鄙视等负面情绪都能产生恶意值。恶意值能够在商城兑换各种妖兵、法宝、丹药、符箓、道具同时系统还发布了一系列与行凶作恶挂钩的任务 完成任务可获得大量恶意值和奖励。有了无恶不作的系统陆星辰成为了烈火宗史上最年轻的长老。同时也是个臭名昭著的大反派!他的罪行几天几夜也列数不过来!打造奢华庄园豢养珍稀异兽。笼络凶悍的披甲家臣肆意妄为。强行入股四海商会致使会长一病不起。威胁烈火宗周边的势力和小国打击施压。1w0-127358 >>


内容简介:死了一个师傅,我得到了一本秘籍当师傅接二连三出事的时候,我才意识到事情没那么简单。明明是想在游戏里成为一个大侠的我,最后怎么会变成个超级大反派了,这不科学!为什么反派大佬都会看重我啊? ?书友群号5585726381w8177-72115 >>


内容简介:末世残酷,各种物资奇缺,粮食成为横行四方的硬通货之一。无数人被放逐安全区之外,成为农民,在贫瘠的土地上挣扎着,跟变异动植物、病菌和老天爷殊死搏斗。他们是最小生产单位,农忙种地,农闲搞基 础建设,关键时候还要保卫家园。只有十八般武艺全会的人,才能勉强生存下来。也只有种出规定量的饱腹之物上交,才能获得市民资格,进入安全区,过上正常人的生活。周黍是现代休闲农庄的创业者,意外溺水后重生在末世同名同姓的少女身体中。一栋破屋,一辆破车,三个月口粮再加一张五万亩荒地的承包合同,就是她的全部财产。残破的记忆中有个声音:“周黍,你本该一死,但本着末日不浪费任何人命的原则,就让你做个农民。终其一生,你只会是农民,永远也无法获得进入安全区的资格。”周黍却对着合同笑,承包地十年免税不说,能力允许下自开垦荒地可永久私有。这么好的事,干了!后来,人类逐渐在末日中站稳脚跟,周黍也成为最大的农场主、粮食商人和土地拥有者。在荒区,目见之物,皆为周黍所有。人言,周黍欠收一季,安全区将挨饿一月。各安全区向她伸出橄榄枝,请求她成为荣誉市民,然而她一一拒绝。农民,永远离不开土地;她所立之处,是她的王土;她所居之地,是她的王都。点击作者名,可进入作者专栏,收藏后可随时关注更文消息。专栏已经完结的文:单位分配烂尾楼(基建)专栏预收的文1:九零年代进城记;专栏的预收文2:妖里妖气;九零年代进城记文案周奶奶花四千元给孙子周壁办了城市户口。说周家穷了四五代,要从周壁起斩断穷根,进城吃国家饭。可她从来抠门,过年都舍不得买斤猪肉给两个孙女吃,哪里来的钱?周墨告诉姐姐周蔷:“爸妈寄回来,给你读中专和办毕业分配的钱!”周蔷闹了个天翻地覆,将家都砸了。但周奶奶撇嘴:“闹也没用!你妈跟你爸进城这么多年,说是打工,谁知道是不是躲清闲?爹妈不管的丫头片子,把你们从七八岁带到十五六岁,不值四千块?想读书,让你妈再寄钱回来!寄不回来,东头李家的儿子看上你,愿意出六千六百块说亲!”周蔷哭得两眼红肿,周墨悄悄收拾行李,连夜就走!周蔷不敢,被人贩子拐走怎么办?周墨坚定道:“进城找爸妈去,就算没有书读,打工也比留在村里好。”上辈子学费被吞,姐姐被逼得想不开,花一样的人留下终生残疾。周墨无数次遗憾,如果这一切都没发生该有多好。她闭眼睁眼,居然回到十四岁。那就什么也别管,带着姐姐和书包进城去。城里很大,容得下一个家。1w0-27814 >>

Love Love

Shiori just got a letter from Riichi. They were childhood friends up until he kissed her and left for America, and the thought of that jerk coming back has her so distracted that she gets caught in a wave and almost drowns! She would've died, too, if it weren't for that mysterious boy with a tattoo... He cut himself so badly to save her, and he left her with the kind of ring a boy would give to his girlfriend--but she never saw his face. Later in the day, Shiori spies a hot pro surfer from America... named Riichi! He's back, and he still wants to date Shiori, and...how did he get that terrible cut...? -- ShoujoMagic

Motto Itte

Collection of short stories: 1. Tell Me More Thanks to being of mixed race, with the bold facial features and nice body, you can say I’m popular with the opposite sex. However, guys don’t seem to like my appearance…that’s why when I reveal my inner self, people might say “Your image is so different!” Lately, I’ve been chasing after Tsuchiya, but he seems to be like all the other guys…? 2. Look Cooler I'm popular and every guy wants me because I'm cool, yet I'm going out with Tsuchiya, who is far from cool. I wonder what got me to go out with him in the first place? Suddenly he gradually became a little bit cooler....I think. 3. I Want To Go More Recently Tsuchiya has been acting weird. He started to become cooler after his hair grew longer. Also, he stopped walking home together with me. No matter how much of an idiot he is, I love him. 4. Cherry Girl My cousin Arata, came back from the U.S. He was tiny, slow and a crybaby. But now he totally changed. He greeted me with a kiss!? And the worst thing is, it was my first kiss! 5. Say I'm Cute Just Because I'm in the Judo Club doesn't mean that I'm not girly. But Kazuki is the only person who thinks of me as a girl. I started to fall in love but he is already in love with another person, because of a delicious cake he ate and it was made by her. But the only thing he doesn't know, is that the cake was made by me.

Boku No Futatsu No Tsubasa

Hiromi can't wait for her cousin Makoto to come live with her - but when 'he' finally shows up, she gets a good deal more than she bargained for. Toshiki Yui turns a hentai fetish into the plot hook of this high school situation comedy.

Eureka Seven

From Mobots: Renton is a 14-year-old boy who occasionally helps out his grandfather as a mechanic. But his feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration grows as his mundane and routine work clouds his visions for his future and he dreams of flying around the world. It isn't until one day, a large human-like mech, a LFO (Light Finding Operation), falls from the sky in front of Renton and appearing from the depths of the machine is a beautiful young girl named Eureka. And as she asks the dumbfounded Renton for repairs, the two will embark upon a fantastic journey into the unknown.


Lavengro summary: Lavengro summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lavengro. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Palimpsest summary: Palimpsest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Palimpsest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Magic Chef of Ice and Fire summary: Seven unique divine blades:
The Snow G.o.ddess’s Sigh – Blade of Morning Dew (Chen Lu)
The Flame G.o.d’s Roar – Blade of True Sun (Zheng Yang)
The Free Wind’s Gentle Hymn – Blade of Proud Sky (Ao Tian)
The Earth’s Waking Rhythm – Blade of Long Life (Chang Sheng)
The Fate’s Hexagram of Hundred Transformations – Blade of Jade Pearls
The Universe’s Dawn – Blade of Holy Brilliance
h.e.l.l’s Eternal Curse – Blade of Devil’s Devouring
These are the seven divine blades. They are also the seven magic staves of Ice, Fire, Wind, Earth, s.p.a.ce, Light, and Darkness. And most importantly, the leader of them all………………….. The Kitchen Knife.
This is a Chinese fantasy web novel by Tang Jia San Shao (author of Douluo Dalu, Child of Light, Shen Yin w.a.n.g Zuo, Heavenly Jewel Change, etc…)

Soul Eater Of The Rebellion

Soul Eater Of The Rebellion summary: The Mitsurugi household was given the important task of guarding the demon gate by the emperor. Mitsurugi Sora, who was the heir of the family, was called on to take the trial ceremony at the age of thirteen. It’s a trial that he must overcome in order to learn the phantom blade style that was pa.s.sed down the Mitsurugi household from generation to generation. The other seven pupils of the same age have all pa.s.sed. Now only Sora remained. His father, brother, fiancee, and brothers and sisters in arms were all watching over him, as Sora’s trial ceremony solemnly began&h.e.l.lip;

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