








类别热血 玄幻 冒险
















简介【每周五更新】程岸因为父亲欠巨债后失踪,从此家无宁日。 为了结束这种生活,不得不成为赌场的一员,获取挣大钱还债的机会,也因此和母亲的的关系非常恶劣。 但在一次跟赌场合作坑老千的赌局中,程岸被赌场出卖,随即被一个小丑虏获。 原来一个自称马戏团的组织网罗了一群走投无路的人,去进行一场残忍游戏。 游戏的胜利者可以摆脱身上危机,失败者将会失去自己的器官甚至生命, 为了救回母亲和还上巨债,程岸决定参加游戏。








内容简介:你说你啊小时候明明只有那么一小点。邵子峰仰起脑袋看着眼前的庞然大物,双手在胸前比划着。现在怎么长得这么凶。群:594909405各位书友要是觉得《我的宠兽超级凶》还不错的话请不要忘记向 您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27145 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者王者至尊的经典小说:《都市尖兵》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说他是华夏最神秘特种部队有史以来最年轻的指挥官,是华夏上头警卫局最顶尖的教官兼保镖, 一次莫名其妙的婚约任务使他重回都市,伴随而来的是无数的美女和麻烦,当祖国需要时他总是能挺身而出,他用他超人的智慧和身手书写着属于他自己的都市传奇。1w0-77346 >>


内容简介:“我不能把这个世界,让给我所鄙视的人!” 所以,王冲踩着枯骨血海,踏上人皇宝座,挽狂澜于既倒,扶大厦之将倾,成就了一段无上的传说! 微信公众号:皇甫奇 (微信号:huangfu qi1985) 新浪微博:皇甫奇(地址:http://weibo.com/u/2528457587) QQ交流群:320238210【普通群】 574501330 【VIP订阅群】 欢迎大家关注。 1w0-1151 >>


内容简介:《在遮天寻找完美》“谁人可度,谁人当度,化生诸天,劫劫长存。”那是古史长河,那是一幕又一幕可怖而绝世的场景出现——尸山血海、万灵伏尸、大界崩塌……灵见二世为人,由玄鸟衔来天命,在波澜壮 阔的遮天世界里,寻找着属于他的完美。1w0-80053 >>




内容简介:伏松发现,他似乎总在分手。“请和XX分手并出国。”“请在颁奖礼结束之前离开这里。”“请在结婚前提出分手。”哦对,他不是主动分手的,是被迫的,伏松毫无压力的想到。只是,为什么我感觉我的前 男友们都是同一个人呢?并且像是我在现实世界买回去的那个小妖精。第一个世界:男友的妈妈想花钱让我们分手。【完成】第二个世界:我的大明星前男友。【完成】第三个世界:小师弟他总想爬床。【完成】第四个世界:失忆后我有了孩子。【完成】第五个世界:压倒光明神。……阅读指南:1V1,现实中的霸总攻VS霸总的小情人受,主攻文,攻受某些世界不洁,无反攻情节。接档文:《万人迷的正确打开方式》求预收呀!文案如下:舒池被迫绑定了一个系统,刚一上来,就摇骰子给他定金手指,不是,你家金手指是摇骰子摇出来的啊?再然后,系统给舒池摇了个万人迷光环,呵呵,金手指你大爷!按照系统的要求,舒池住进一间公寓,这个公寓里全是系统绑定的任务者,且来历非凡。比如那个影帝大人,据说本来是个帝王,被自家爱妃陷害才穿越而来。比如那个游戏主播,来自星际时代,玩过的游戏不知凡几。比如那个健身教练,是个退役特种兵,听说还是个兵王,无数次在生死边缘徘徊。但是这有什么用呢?在我的万人迷光环下,你们都是渣渣!阅读指南:1、主角舒池,主攻,cp接受买股。2、玛丽苏文风,主角就是牛逼,别问为什么,问就是亲妈作者。3、有伏笔,伏笔不会剧透,但是你要是猜出来了我也没办法。4、日更,不坑。有事会在评论区请假或者挂请假条,看情况。5、凑个整。1w0-73393 >>

Akuma De Junai

Because of her fathers job, Aki was raised in England. So when she moved back to Japan she was teased horribly for being 'foreign'. Now Aki is also a very beautiful young woman, which makes it even harder to make friends and be accepted. After the coolest boy at school starts taking an interest in her, things only get worse. As jealous girls start to harass her, Aki shows a side of herself that even she didn't know about.

Eve No Jikan

The future, probably Japan. Robots have long been put into practical use, and androids have just come into use. Influenced by the Robot Ethics Committee, it's become common sense for people to treat androids like household appliances. Their appearance - indistinguishable from humans except for the ring over each android's head - has led some people to empathize unnecessarily with androids. Known as 'android-holics', such people have become a social problem. Rikuo, a high school student, has been taught from childhood that androids are not to be viewed as humans, and has always used them as convenient tools. One day Rikuo discovers some strange data in the behavior records of his family's household android, Sammy. Rikuo and his friend Masaki trace Sammy's movements, only to discover a mysterious café that features a house rule that 'humans and robots are to be treated the same'...

Pet Of Love

1) Pet of Love - A young man is living alone, but can't live independently, so his best friend is forced to take care of him. 2) Remote Control - Is basically about two boys, one of whom is playing a game with the other while pretending to help him become popular. But they both slowly realize it's something else entirely. 3) Iron Road of Love; 4) Drunken Dog Night; 5) Unforgettable Love. This a cute, shonen-ai manga with some very light violence/angst.

X-Tai Shinsho

From The Zero Alliance: Sugita Genpaku made a contract with the demon in exchange for the ability to cure any disease. But if he doesn’t find someone to treat within the time limit, his soul will be taken!

Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul

Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul summary: Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Beautiful Commander

My Beautiful Commander summary: Xia Lian, a 21st century military doctor died in an explosion and found herself transmigrated to the body a 12 year girl. Her mother died and her father abandoned her and her little brother for another woman.
But she strives to provide a bright future for her younger brother and herself. She slowly makes herself stronger so that no one can bully her and her brother. Many admire her for her strong and free personality.
Even the cold and aloof general falls head over heals for her, but she does not accept love as she only has her brother in her eyes. But he does not give up as he realized that he is in love with this weird and strong woman.

The Book-Hunter at Home

The Book-Hunter at Home summary: The Book-Hunter at Home summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book-Hunter at Home. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lord of the Star Ocean

Lord of the Star Ocean summary: Nie Feng, a successor of the Ultimate Martial Path, unfortunately, perished while exploring an uninhabited region in Miao Jiang. However, he was unexpectedly reborn into the body of a profligate youth on the uncivilized Planet Grand Origin, a planet belonging to the Immortal Luo Empire. His new and legendary life would begin from this moment!
The collision of two Great Galactic Emperies, wars between thousands of Starforce Battleships, formidable Star Warriors, mysterious Star Warlocks, beautiful women capable of causing the downfall of nations, divine skills and martial arts capable of annihilating the Heavens and destroying the Earth.
In this mysterious and magnificent world, one might well ask; who is the Lord of this boundless Star Ocean!

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