
































内容简介:  意外来到汉末,隔壁住着的,是解渎亭侯刘宏,刘珌暗戳戳地决定, 他还是先抱金大腿吧。1w0-3475


内容简介:  你找到了一把水果刀,加上两根线,微波炉和冷冻库,合成了冰火两重的神剑,没有丧尸是你一招之敌  你拿起T病毒,和C病毒,G病毒,黑光病毒放在一块,合成了毁灭世界的最强病毒,并且用它毁 灭了一个世界  你偷走了李元芳的幽兰剑和链子刀,买来了燕双鹰的手枪和风衣,放在一块进行合成,从此再也没人在你面前装X  你拿起柯南的眼镜,硫克的笔记,海拉的短剑,黑崎一护的长刀,转头一看,所有人都躲得远远的1w0-3021 >>

大叔,别来可好(陆丰泽 林芝芝)

内容简介:林芝芝生来爹不疼妈不爱,大学没毕业,就被当成交易品卖了。某天,在亲眼目睹了丈夫和自己的亲小姨上床之后,她鼓起所有的勇气,扑倒了丈夫的小舅。“小舅,帮我!”她哀求。男人长指挑起她的下颔, 深沉的黑眸,暗芒灼热,“帮你可以,拿你自己,换你想要的。”喜欢《大叔,别来可好(陆丰泽林芝芝)》的朋友们可以分享到朋友圈、QQ好友或微博哦谢谢支持啦林芝芝生来爹不疼妈不爱,大学没毕业,就被当成交易品卖了。某天,在亲眼目睹了丈夫和自己的亲小姨上床之后,她鼓起所有的勇气,1w0-125065 >>


内容简介:《余生不要再爱你》是陆湛霆戚熙精心创作的言情小说,长风文学网实时更新余生不要再爱你最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的余生不要再爱你评论,并不代表长风文学网赞同或者支持余生不要再爱 你读者的观点。1w0-68765 >>


内容简介:【本文一对一,男主同一人,绝宠!】因为骂了句老天,从此与系统共存!带着外挂,闯世界!她云烟一出场,必然是狂拽酷炫吊炸天!一边系统,一边阴阳轮回群!云烟:系统,走老娘带你装逼带你飞!系统 :宿主已疯,请拨打120!【一世等待,只为汝倾天下!】1w0-80389 >>


内容简介:五年前,她刚从乡下回来就被人算计,本以为睡了个牛郎,却不料是个活阎王,得罪不起,她只好开溜。五年后,她带着五个儿子归来,强势虐渣,爽到爆。大儿子商界奇才,二儿子顶级黑客,三儿子神医,四 儿子航天奇才,五儿子美食大佬,而她……马甲也掉一地,还被迫捡了个超级大佬当老公。“女人,还想逃?”顾爷一手拿着红本本,一手把她堵在怀里。十个月后,她再次生下了五胞胎儿子1w18959-26351 >>

Kuusou Spin Flower

From Senpai Scans: Let us search for fellow youthful club members for our mysterious club activities! Because of her father's adventures, Miku is entering school three months late. As such, she's petrified of being excluded and not having friends. He, the school special's extracurricular 'finder', gave Miku an opportunity to make friends. And thus, somehow, Miku managed to join a club...

Devil And Devil

Above the Earth, there is a continuous battle between angels and devils. One devil in particular, Sword, has it in for a certain angel, Ios. In their 101st fight together, both are severely wounded. Not only that, but their clashing power causes the two to fall to earth. By chance, Sword finds a beaten, unconscious teenage boy nearby, and he is able to take over the human's body to save his own life. Some time later, Sword awakens in the hospital, briefly confused about his whereabouts. The father of the body he possessed enters the room, extremely happy to see his boy Souma alive. Then the older twin brother shows up. Immediately, Sword recognizes his enemy's energy. Also nearly dead, Ios had joined with Kanna's body. Sword goes to attack Ios, but quickly realizes that the body is far weaker than his demon form, especially from being recently beaten to hell. Since the brothers had been found heavily thrashed, their memory loss isn't that surprising. Their large change in behaviors is also explained by amnesia. As it turns out, Sword entered the body of the cliché nerd who can't run fifty meters without falling. Ios's new body is a terror, feared by all and constantly suspended from school. While the angel and devil have primary control over the bodies of the twins, reflex actions and memories of the other souls (still alive within the bodies) do appear. More importantly, the human bodies cannot handle the powers that Sword and Ios had used with ease. This a problem especially for Sword who is both over eager to use his powers and targeted by devils and angels. Taken from doushi-sumeragi.net

Gaussian Blur

Day after day, honor student Hwang Dong Wook gets called out by the bullies in his class to serve as their punching bag. Day after day, the last-ranked student Choi Yool is shunned by her classmates because of her beauty and her grades. As it happens, the sullen boy and the carefree girl sit next to each other in class. When the top student is asked to lure her into the bullies dirty schemes, their lives take an unexpected turn... From mangaupdates

Nejimaki No Niwa

Tucked away in the mountains and cut off from the rest of the world, Rosa Academy is your typical boarding school... at least on the surface. Like most schools, it has its share of urban legends. But, as Raum and his friends—Tulli, Yan, and Karel—are to find out, there is more to Rosa Academy's legends than meets the eye...

Prairie Flowers

Prairie Flowers summary: Prairie Flowers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Prairie Flowers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Women. summary: Women. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Women.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Man and a Woman

A Man and a Woman summary: A Man and a Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Man and a Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Last Hope

The Last Hope summary: The Last Hope summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Hope. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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