




















简介 一觉醒来,游戏中的“男票”人物居然睡在我身边OMG!可是为啥不按套路出牌?Game里选的可是温柔可人型暖男,这个醋精上身撩妹狂魔的霸总是谁,为何崩了我的理想男票人设?!嘤嘤嘤……游戏里的亲亲设定要玩不起啦! 作品QQ群:328460691




类别都市 恋爱 生活







皇子妃奋斗史 秀木成林

内容简介:兵部裴大人生性耿直一根筋,家中却有着三位水灵灵的待嫁丫头。其中大小姐裴岚意似乎继承了父亲的性情,又蠢又直又张狂。炙手可热的二皇子发出组队结婚的邀请,想纳她为侧妃,竟被一句话回绝嫡女不为 妾。不为妾?二皇子冷笑,那你就去和三皇子那个爹不理娘没用万千少女都不敢嫁的蠢货过一辈子吧。裴岚意怒上心来过就过,谁怕谁?这是一个无金手指无狂拽炫酷无脑宠,男女主相濡以沫,在夺嫡的漩涡中携手成长的故事。1w106551-129323 >>


内容简介:【文案】本文原名《一品捕快》女主篇一次意外,刑警秦禛胎穿到大庆朝,成了将军府二房嫡女。因为沉默和古怪,她在府里备受冷落,乃至于被长房长姐轻而易举地换了婚事。直到她的亲兄长被卷入一场凶杀 案中,方一战成名,从此摘得“京城心机贵女”桂冠。男主篇六扇门是大庆最神秘的衙门,主管江湖事物、暗杀,以及大庆要案重案。门主景缃之乃是皇帝亲兄弟,1w0-103839 >>


内容简介:  路一平是个上古修士,亲眼见证了诸神大战中,无数强大的神灵殒落的情景。自此之后,他便隐居远古之森,日夜修炼,发誓没有强大到对抗天地大劫的实力时,便不出来。一个时代又一个时代过去了。他 身边的一头小蛇,成为了龙族之祖。他收养过的一个小女孩,成了无敌女帝。他指点过的一个剑客,成了名响万古的剑神。他随意种下的一棵老树,成了史上最强神国的守护之神。沧海桑田,岁月变迁,一个又一个强者崛起,一代又一代强者老去和殒落。路一平一直在深山中修炼他的长生诀,偶尔,弹弹琴,练练画,练练剑法,翻看一下当年殒落的无数神灵留下的各种神技和大道感悟。终于,他将长生诀修炼到了最后一层,觉得自己实力可以对抗天地大劫了,这才走出远古之森。(本书不跪不舔,不种马不后宫,一路横推,绝对无敌!已完本《黄龙真人异界游》、《天尊重生》、《无敌天下》、《我是万古主宰》,其中三本万订,三本精品)1w0-1804 >>


内容简介:  【最火爆畅销书】  一场车祸改变了我的屌丝人生。  各种奇遇接连而来。  考试满分,刮刮乐必中,篮球天才,游泳健将选一个?  不,老子就是全能。  QQ群:203799451  【 花都出品,必定精品。】1w1306-1451 >>


内容简介:当了5000年的时光龙,莫时终于成长为太古时光龙,穿越时空回到了高三那年春天。莫时对路明非说:“以后我罩着你。”从此路明非多了一个太古龙王邻家大哥。卡塞尔学院多了一个“最冷静的疯子”。 龙族的王座上多了一个“永恒时光之王”。路明非说他是“最可靠的大哥”、昂热称呼他为“最强屠龙兵器”、楚子航叫他“自律的强者”、凯撒说他是“天生的领袖”……一切故事都从那封神秘的录取通知书开始。1w0-88624 >>



Kunshusama No Koi No Oaite

Vol. 1 Collection of One Shots: Chapter 1-3: Selfish Love Ryuya was only trying to finish his University courses so he could get started with his life. Everything was going along fine, until the wealthy and gorgeous Orito nominated Ryuya as the vice president of the prestigious Honors Society. Most people would jump at this opportunity, but Ryuya isn't interested, and Orito isn't backing down! It seems that campus politics and advanced studies aren't the only things on Orito's mind, and Ryuya is shocked to discover that his newfound suitor always gets what he wants...)From Be Beautiful) Chapter 3: Sweet Seduction ~ Pgs. 54-70 Chapter 4: Worst Day ~ Pgs. 70-74 Chapter 5: Strained Smile ~ Pgs. 74-86 Vol. 2 ~ Selfish Love

Luo Xue Cheng Bai

The snow mountain is his territory, no one is supposed to live there! Who is this daredevil?! How dare he chop down my favorite gingko tree? To make it worse, he took all the furniture in my cave! Darn! I wouldn't be a demon fox if I didn't take revenge! But... he's just an idiotic scholar, why can't I get close to him? When the mischievous but innocent snow fox meets a slow yet scheming scholar, the truth isn't what Xue Qiu expected.

Kilala Princess

From Tokyopop: Meet Kilala, an ordinary girl who loves all the Disney Princesses. When she awakens a sleeping prince named Rei, she magically gains the power of the princesses! Rei is searching for the missing princess of his world, and has a magical tiara that will lead him to her. But before Kilala can help him find the missing princess and restore peace to his world, Kilala's best friend, Erica, is kidnapped by mysterious men! So, with the help of the magical tiara and Rei, Kilala sets off on a quest to find her!

Kotaro Makaritoru

The original Kotaro Makaritoru contained 7 Major Archs and 1 side series. Initially the comic was filled with slapstick comedy and small sexual humor, but as the story progressed, the comic became more mature and serious. However, some of the classic humor remained. Koutarou Shindou - A high school aged karate expert who is descended from a long line of ninja. While he may be a fighting genius, he lacks common sense and any inhibitions whatsoever. He spends most of his time getting into trouble with school officials, and trying to steal girls' panties; especially Mayumi's. He is very protective of three things: his long hair, his panty collection, and Mayumi.

The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

The Devil's Sleeping Beauty summary: She
had always thought that he was a devil in human flesh. She feared him
and hated him for the sins he committed but after seeing how much he
changed to be a better person for her, it took her a great amount of
courage to forgive him since by the time she found out the truth about
him, she had already loved him.
being the worst husband and father to the best husband and father one
can ever have. Lu Yifeng was given a second chance to correct every
wrong deed he did. He was the man who destroyed their family and it took
death to make him realize his wrongdoings.
'Meilin, come here.'
She turned to her husband and smiled, 'Mr. Lu, we are at work, didn't we already agreed to behave while we're here?'
'I want to have an affair with my secretary.' Lu Yifeng said calmly.
'Can I?'
Xia Meilin narrowed her eyes, 'No.'
stood up and walked toward her which made Xia Meilin take a few steps
backward away from him when she saw the dangerous look on Lu Yifeng's
eyes. She stopped when she felt the cold wall against her back.
Yifeng ended up cornering her. 'I'm the President of this company, I do
whatever I want to do, including having an affair with my secretary.'
Xia Meilin refused to back down that's why she ended up glaring at him. 'Do you want to get beat up by your wife?'
side of his lips curled up into a smirk, 'Will she now?' He cupped her
chin and bowed his head to place a soft kiss on her lips. 'Then stop
acting as my secretary. You're my wife, it's your job to watch over your
husband. If you want to have a salary, then I can give you all my
faint blush appeared on Xia Meilin's cheeks after she has been kissed
by him. She pouted and turned her head away, 'I just want to try how it
feels to work as your secretary.'

The Best of AE van Vogt

The Best of AE van Vogt summary: The Best of AE van Vogt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Best of AE van Vogt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion

The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion summary: The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ravished By A Highlander

Ravished By A Highlander summary: Ravished By A Highlander summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ravished By A Highlander. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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