
























类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁








内容简介:重回2004,周安的第一笔小买卖,成本4元!从最不起眼的小买卖做起。4元足以发家!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《逆流2004》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0- 71012 >>


内容简介:  带着一万倍琦玉(盘古)的能力来到洪荒世界穿越成了唐僧,从此西游路上多了一个以德服人有些腹黑的圣僧。  牛魔王:“兄弟,别去取西经了,跟着个秃驴去取经多累啊,不如回花果山快活!”   孙悟空听闻此言猴毛瞬间炸了起来,根根倒竖,连头上的金箍也被猴毛挤下来。  俺,齐天大圣,孙悟空,永远忘不了五指山下的那段不堪回首的往事。  “猴子,跟我去取西经吧?”  “不去不去,要去你就自己去!”  “好的,那贫僧自己去辣!”那个光头披着虎皮竟然真的哼着小曲儿离开了。  “慢…慢着,你先放俺出来啊,放俺老孙出来再考虑俺到底去不去!”  那个光头扭过身,“好啊,那我这就放你出来!”  “你爬到山上,取下那面……”  “不用那么麻烦!”  霎时间,山崩地裂,乱石激射!  孙悟空只感觉一双铁手钳着自己的脖子从五指山中硬生生揪了出来,然后轻描淡写的回身一拳,五指山就没了!  孙悟空感觉自己的脖子几乎快要断了,不停拍打着和尚的胳膊,企图挣脱出来,猴脸憋的通红。  那个和尚直到回头才发现自己,淡淡的说了一句“不好意思,没注意到你,力气不小心用大了!”  不好了,妖怪被师傅抓走了目前分魂已经穿越到骷髅界,吞噬星空……1w0-3864 >>


内容简介:每天起床第一句,先给自己打个气!“加油,今天又是证明自己女装大佬的一天!”每次多穿次女装,都要说声对不起。“这次真是最后一次穿女装了,绝对要证明自己是真男孩子。”这是宁易朦证明真女装大 佬的一条漫漫长征路……1w0-72871 >>


内容简介:顶流影后时慕染巅峰时期销声匿迹,一年后出现竟高调生子上热搜!全民沸腾了!这个被公认娱乐圈最清纯的女星竟然当妈了?网友纷纷猜测孩子他爹是谁,帝国那个最矜贵的男人突然出现在直播镜头前。时慕 染极力否认:“误会,不是大家想的那样……”隔天,厉君寒把民政局搬家里的消息就轰动全国!夜里,时慕染刚奶完崽就被搂住,男人嗓音低沉:“宝贝,你不能只顾小的,不管大的。”【超级甜宠萌宝互1w87399-88466 >>


内容简介:“七天变一次怪物,在这个全是人类的星球上,我还怎么混?要是变成血族、精灵、外星人倒是还好……但大部分却是变成怪物、巨兽、神话生物……我要变一哥斯拉,还不天天挨核弹啊?”浑身浴火的炎魔, 不死冰霜的巫妖,矫捷灵动的精灵,八百触手的怪物,九万眼珠的异人,长着翅膀的老虎,贪婪食人的巨魔,独角黑鳞的蛟蛇,翻江倒海的巨兽,吞天噬地的星空生物,脑域开发极限的外星种族……蓝坎表示自己根本就是个怪物集合体,活在人类的社会里,不闹腾出乱子,根本就是不可能的事嘛!既然如此,不是没有异能者吗?我就有异能!不是没有史前生物吗?我就是!不是没有神话怪物吗?我变过!不是没见过外星人吗?我现在就来亮个相!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《非人基因统合体》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82979 >>



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Rio was living a perfectly normal high school life, when transfer student, Tomo-chan, entered his school. Rio watches as Tomo easily grabs the attention of the female student body. It's not until Tomo picks up Rio's dropped planner with a picture of his beloved idol, a male teacher, that they interact. Suspecting that Rio is gay, and after stating that he's going to 'cure it' Tomo enlists in a 'Homo Fixing Intensive Training Regimen'. But does Tomo really want to cure Rio of his homosexuality, or simply get his undivided attention for himself?

Tsumi Koi

Compilation of short stories: - Tsumi Koi / Sinful Love “If you want me to stay quiet, then have an affair with me too” Yashiro witnessed her classmate Maki, who is extremely popular with the girls, with a girl who wasn’t his girlfriend. Tired of her uninspiring days Yashino suggested that she become Maki’s “lover”, but because of these circumstances she finds herself being charmed by him and she can’t stop herself from falling in love with him…!? - Until I Fall in Love About twin sisters, Tae is the older twin and Rie is the younger. One day, Rie begs Tae to switch places with her. Rie has a crush on a boy who sits next to Tae. Finally Tae agrees. In Rie's class, Tae is surprised to discover that Rie sits next to a cute guy, the one on the soccer team that she saw after school a few days ago. Then, Tae has a good time sitting with the boy. He's funny and nice. When he invites Tae to watch him play soccer, Tae agrees, but then she realizes that he invites her as Rie.. - Let's Meet in Dream! Fuzuki has been having some strange dreams recently. In them, she is at school, and she is talking to a cute young teacher. Fuzuki is in love with this teacher, and he knows it. They always hand out on the roof of the school, where he smokes a cigarette. Every night she has dreams about him, and they hold very real conversations. But the thing is, Fuzuki doesn’t know who this guy is! Why is Fuzuki dreaming about this guy? Does he dream about her? Will they ever be able to meet in person? - Tears of Goldfish It was a summer festival 5 years ago, and a young girl was kissed by a cute boy while fireworks exploded all around them. But one of their classmates saw them kissing and teased them. They were elementary school kids, so their accusations are rude and obnoxious. The girl, Iyo, was embarrassed and denied it before the boy, Tsujiai could say anything. Ever since that day, she and Tsujiai, haven’t spoken. Now they are once again placed in the same class after 5 years. Iyo feels awful and awkward. But it’s obvious he still hates her… - Love Spell Momoka and a friend are standing at their classroom window, checking out some cute senpai boys. Momoka prefers boys with shorter hair. Her friend says that Shibahara isn't Momoka's type. Shibahara is a boy in their class, and he has long hair that obscures his face. The next day, Momoka finds out that Shibahara arrives to class with a new, short, haircut! And wow, he is actually very cute! Momoka can’t believe this. Could he had overheard her conversation yesterday? Or is this a coincidence? Could he really have cut his hair for Momoka? Momoka suddenly finds herself very aware of Shibahara. Is she falling for him?

Roister Doister

Roister Doister summary: Roister Doister summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roister Doister. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Alonzo Fitz, and Other Stories

Alonzo Fitz, and Other Stories summary: Alonzo Fitz, and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alonzo Fitz, and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Passionate Betrayal

Passionate Betrayal summary: Passionate Betrayal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Passionate Betrayal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Just One Taste

Just One Taste summary: Just One Taste summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Just One Taste. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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