




简介现代特工姬轩穿越到架空古代变成太子,却被送到别国作为人质。最怕麻烦的他,本以为穿越到古代,可以做个小透明,等待机会回到现代,却没想到惹来了三个大“麻烦”—— 同为质子却不可一世的秦国太子;温文尔雅的圣子;互看不顺眼的赵国太子。而随着与他们的接触,姬轩的真实身份也被揭晓…… 每周五更新!~


















类别都市 恋爱 少女 其他










内容简介:【互扒马甲打脸虐渣双洁甜宠】矜贵禁欲财阀大佬VS又美又飒苏爽少女初见在乡下生活十八年,高中休学,不学无术,有朝一日亲生父亲找上门竟要抽她的骨髓。财阀大佬替她撑腰:“她是我的人,我看谁敢 欺负!”重读高三,父亲警告她,让她滚回她的吉祥村,不要给他丢人。财阀大佬找到校长:“紧急联系人填我的手机号。”名媛千金对她恨之入骨,设计陷害她,嘲笑她攀了1w0-89799 >>




内容简介:  如果人生能重来一次,你会怎么选?还是像这一次一样,做一个普通人,或许神光内敛,但人不知名,高卧云端看云卷云舒?亦或是以世界为舞台,搅动天下的风云,让整个世界围绕着你起舞,让人们因你 的一言一行心跳加速?谱写自我的法律,定下我说的规矩,人生短短数十载,要么点亮自己,要么燃烧世界!====================一个陌生的宇宙里,一个与我们所认知完全不同的世界中,一堂别开生面的历史课上,一位被授予多项国际学术荣誉的历史系教授,带着他的卑微、敬畏和尊崇,在黑板上写下了一个名字——林奇!====================影视明星:“我认识林奇先生,林奇先生称赞过我的演技!”知名作家:“林奇先生给我的创作带来了很多的灵感,我的成功得益于他对我的帮助!”运动巨星:“我要感谢林奇先生给予我的引导,让我在迷失中找到了我自己!”艺术宗师:“艺术源自于生活,生活源自于林奇!”社会名流:“我和林奇先生握过手,他是一位非常和蔼可亲,平易近人的先生!”联邦政要:“我和林奇先生一起用过晚餐,他很风趣幽默,话语中又藏着智慧,是一位了不起的人!”每个人都爱林奇先生,每个人都离不开他!1w0-1677 >>


内容简介:《最强狂婿》是周天李若雪精心创作的都市言情,abc小说网实时更新最强狂婿最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的最强狂婿评论,并不代表abc小说网赞同或者支持最强狂婿读者的观点。l0n s3v31w23660-62432 >>




内容简介:成轶是小破站鬼畜区UP,重回2016年。在这个短视频行业刚刚起步,野蛮生长的时间节点,成轶步步先机,制作出各种爆款短视频,成为全网最火网红!易梦灵?一栗沙子?我把她们捧红的!手工梗?导 演小测?朱一蛋?那是我公司员工!想封杀就封杀,想捧红就捧红!作为一代网红教父,执行业之牛耳!无数入行新人跪在他的面前,求成轶赏他一碗饭吃。1w0-99928 >>

Ciao, My Darling

Anthology of 3 stories. 1) Ciao, My Darling - Shishimoto who makes his living as a computer wizard picks up down-on-his-luck Tomosaka and his cat Hana off the street. Shishimoto seems to really have it all together, while Tomosaka can't even hold down a job for any length of time -- but not all is well behind Shishimoto's gruff facade, and over time Tomosaka finds out what's wrong, and comes to care. But then he causes Shishimoto to lose a lot of work by pulling the computer plug at an inopportune time to save electricity (quibble: the mangaka doesn't understand computers). Shishimoto has to call in his female friend Mika to help, which pushes Tomosaka into confessing his love for Shishimoto. But Shishimoto doesn't react well to his confession.

Anne The Lover

From Sherbet Lemon: The main character Hansul, a high school student in grade 10, has never had a boyfriend before in her life. She starts dating Sulgyo in order to buff at her teasing friends. However, as their relationship got more and more stiff, she starts arguing with him. The argument ends awkwardly, and a sweet romance started because they actually fell in love with each other already.

Yes It's Me

A collection of short stories. 1) Love Dancing Beneath My Eyelids College student Numakami has known for a long time that his classmate Mahara is in love with him. But Mahara is pure, innocent - and still a virgin. For some inexplicable reason, this makes Numakami feel annoyed at being the object of his affections. 2) She's Missing Yanagi is in love with Kobayashi, who can't seem to stop talking about Adachi - a girl in their class. What will become of these three teenagers and their complex relationship? 3) Minun Musiikki A quiet pianist and an obnoxious, outspoken cellist often find themselves alone in the music room together... 4) Yes It's Me The story revolves around Toma, who is head-over-heels in love... with himself! However, so is everyone else around him; and he knows that his business partner and old friend, Enoki, is no exception. Toma doesn't blame him. After all, he is only the most brilliant, beautiful, and all-around perfect person to ever walk the face of the Earth! Who wouldn't fall for him? Weirdly enough, Enoki is convinced that Toma returns his feelings. But they should both know by now that there's no one he loves more than himself... right? 5) Yes It's You 6) Loathe! 7) Dreams Unfold at Night 8) Yes That's It

Namida Ni Nureta Koi

From JShoujo Scans: Contains Five One-shots: 1) Yoake Mae (Before Daybreak) Iori is the daughter of a wealthy family who has lived a caged-in existence. She has lived her life following the path set down by her parents, and now she is about to be married off to a man she doesn't love. She runs away and stumbles upon the late-night food stand run by Akira. His kindness and warmth opens her mind to a world she didn't know existed--but when his tragic past threatens to destroy the pure love that has begun to blossom, she must choose between the life she has always known and a love she didn't know was possible.

The Heroes Fall: When War Calls

The Heroes Fall: When War Calls summary: The Heroes Fall: When War Calls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Heroes Fall: When War Calls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Come Up { Dropped }

The Come Up { Dropped } summary: Seamus dies standing, Seamus wakes up standing. Now living an alternative life with a unique system, and missing some of the comforts and stars of his old world. How will Seamus survive. __________ Inspired by what I 've read, so expect some similarities with other stories

Rick Brant - Smugglers' Reef

Rick Brant - Smugglers' Reef summary: Rick Brant - Smugglers' Reef summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rick Brant - Smugglers' Reef. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Pirates Own Book

The Pirates Own Book summary: The Pirates Own Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pirates Own Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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