


简介交流群号:554215640(已满)、169528947 悠闲快乐的旅行,忽然发生了离奇的死亡事件,返程的船久久未到,岛上的阴霾渐渐散开。遮掩生命光芒的是欲望还是魔 鬼,打破人性束缚的是绝望还是阴谋?太平洋上的孤岛,逐渐逼近的抉择。








当朝皇帝意外暴毙,我被太后从民间抓来顶替同胞的死鬼哥哥坐上龙椅——这就算了,还要替他娶皇后?!可……可我也是女人啊? 大婚当晚,我费尽千辛万苦逃走,转眼又落入当朝臭名昭著奸臣的手里……虽然他时刻都想杀了我,但我为了秘密不暴露出去,只能强行攻略他了!






















内容简介:★日更,上午9点更新。星辰族,凌驾宇宙所有种族之上。他们拥有强大力量,他们的星能控制可以摧毁一切,他们的自愈能力不惧伤害。研究员黎漾,一直沉迷这个种族的研究,终于出成果,却在推广使用时 出了意外,被捕入狱,最后死在狱中。再醒来时,他成了星辰族圣殿最高贵的圣子伊莱尔。圣殿是星辰族的信仰,圣子是星辰族的光明。自从醒来就被《重生成星际种族》小说推荐:快穿之女主只想升级、你不要过来啊、快穿女配:你的男主又黑化了、在生存游戏做锦鲤、快穿:我有万恶千能卡、快穿女配:叮!你已被boss锁定、今天女主她学废了吗、忠犬收割机快穿、快穿之大佬她总在伪装、宿主今天祸害男主了吗、星辰骑士、末世重生:军长大人,不许动、快穿之魔王有点甜、宇宙第一幼稚园、END、叶安、快穿之男神boss,求别撩、快穿系统:男神又被撩了!、我在末世赚积分、快穿女配之幸福我做主1w0-77413 >>


内容简介:病娇反派是只毛茸茸简介:柒和穿书成女配:剑宗小师妹的身份,团宠的待遇,卑微暗恋男主最后被反派一把扔进法阵祭天,完成了工具人配角的使命。为了逆天改命,某剑宗小师妹勤修炼,养灵兽,学符诀, 刻苦习剑,坚决站稳男女主cp大旗,只为给反派灭世大计捣乱。但是这反派怎么不走剧情线?剧情不知不觉似乎整个崩掉:柒和无奈:“我真的不会下蛊。”某大反派景钰:“那为什么,你受伤时,这里会痛?”他指着心口,满脸疑惑。原来自己一开始捡到的灵宠竟是大反派。最后知道真相的柒和眼泪掉下来,能不能再给一次机会,这次我一定见死不救。1w0-67036 >>




内容简介:当霍修涵披着浑身的伤来救她,却因她而死时,阮清颜只觉得人生可笑。她爱着的人欺她!辱她!骗她!毁她容貌!将她当畜生对待,还要让她感恩戴德!而素昧谋面的人却因她丢了家业,藏身火海。重活一世 ,阮清颜终于看清野狗真面目,这一世她会亲手毁了整个纪家,她要从幕后到台前,扯了姐姐晏书意的遮羞布!姐姐是当红女星?对不起,戏是她拍的!姐姐文笔斐然,新书写一本爆一本?不好意思,姐姐就是个草包,书都是她写的。姐姐是国内乃至国际的新锐设计师,见笑了,所有的画稿都是她的。姐姐背后的资本强大如斯,谁动谁凉?可笑,明明整个北方最大的资本,天天都窝在她床上求抱抱……姐姐暗恋霍氏集团掌门人霍修涵多年,所做一切只为配得上他,那她就……不用抢,“人间阎罗”霍大佬已经熟练的把她压墙角,亲到腿软了。1w0-79518 >>


内容简介:【明艳张扬天才神医vs腹黑深情病娇王爷】实验室爆炸,孟清韵穿成了一个养父母早亡,被狠毒亲戚虐待的农家丫头。她医毒双绝,武功盖世,手握空间,怕谁?敢把她卖到青楼?略施小计,就让极品亲戚倾 家荡产;贫穷没钱花?用先进的医疗手段,治疗疑难杂症,银子哗哗往兜里装;上山就能采到珍稀药材,随手救下的老头是当朝首辅,运气好到爆棚。就是从山上背回来1w0-89688 >>


内容简介:江左有个貌美的老婆,可是她却经常出差。去干嘛?不是忙着给他带帽子,而是瞒着他降妖除魔去了。得知真相的江左连连叹息,看来自己也坐不住了。为了他美好的夫妻生活,江左只能暗中出手。降妖除魔嘛 ,维护天地秩序嘛,没问题,老婆高兴就行。各位书友要是觉得《我家老婆可能是圣女》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w7250-26244 >>

Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

Fushimi Inari has a hopeless crush on her classmate Tanbabashi. One day, while trying to interact with him, she accidentally humiliates him in front of the whole class. He refuses to accept her apologies, and, to make matters worse, she discovers that he probably has a crush on their incredibly cute classmate Sumizome. She has all these things in mind when she is summoned by Uka-no-Mitama-no-kami, a pale fox goddess. In return for rescuing a little fox-spirit creature before school that day, the goddess offers to grant a single wish of Inari's. Without thinking, she blurts out that she wants to be Sumizome. As one might expect, this wish does not go nearly as well as Inari had hoped, and the kindly goddess breaks a goddess-rule to give Inari the ability to change herself back. Now, Inari can change her own shape at will, and using her new skill is very tempting as she keeps trying to win Tanbabashi's heart. But if Inari flaunts her ability, both she and the goddess might end up in trouble with Amaterasu!


The gag comedy is set in a school nurse's office (hokenshitsu). A strange nurse deals with the unique issues of the female student body, such as an self-absorbed eye-patch-wearing girl, a character with frequent nosebleeds, a shy but well-endowed girl, and others.-From ANN News Source

Bed No Ue No Tengoku

1) Bedtop Paradise Hata and Hoshina both work at the same video game company. United by a mutual friend at work, Hoshina and Hata move in together as roommates. But when the sloppy, laid-back Hata starts demanding time in uptight Hoshina's futon so he can sleep better, their relationship as roomies takes a step in a new direction, especially when Hoshina realizes he can't sleep with or without Hata... 2) The Gentle Hand Mother always tells you not talk to strangers, but one day while roaming through the park looking for his lost dog, a young uke stumbles across a homeless seme. Given the name 'Kuro', will the compassion and love of this young uke help Kuro get the strength to face his past and begin to live life again. Will he always be called 'Kuro'? 3) Perfect Lovers Fujisaki is given an important project to work on by Manager Sakaki, but Fujisaki questions why he is given the job. Is Sakaki misusing his authorty? And even if he is, does Fujisaki really mind when his manager looks and smells SO good? Another one-shot revolving around salarymen, big business, and what really happens on overnight trips. 4) Land of The Distant Sky Pressurized by the moral ethics, the boys will have to make a decision. Family, friends and love, it's a tough choice. Will they finally be together? A teary story about the struggling of our boys from high school to adults. Let's Become A Family! Nakura is a salaried man and has a six-year old daughter. When he found out that his neighbor, Sudou, is a gay, he's kinda glad. An inner perspective of a loving father who doesn't really know how to express himself well, will he fall for Sudou instead? 6) Bedtop paradise extra

Highschool Of The Dead

Highschool of the Dead is set in present day Japan, starting as the planet is hit with a fatal pandemic that turns people into zombies, euphemistically referred to from the primary characters as 'Them' (?? Yatsura?). The storyline follows a number of highschool students (as well as the college nurse) as they cope using a world-wide catastrophic event called the 'Outbreak'. They also have to confront the further risks of social fall, in the kind of dangerous survivors, and the potential decay of their particular moral codes as the cast attempts to survive the zombie apocalypse. Beginning in the HS, the pupils getaway into town at the place where they have to cope with his pupils and a tainted teacher. They get a dog as well as a small girl, and assess for survivors in their houses. Afterwards, they finally make their way to an elementary-school which is allegedly a secure zone, go through a police station, and last in a shopping center.

The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me

The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me summary: The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

And One Last Thing...

And One Last Thing... summary: And One Last Thing... summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of And One Last Thing.... If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals summary: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dere Mable

Dere Mable summary: Dere Mable summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dere Mable. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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