


















类别都市 总裁 纯爱






简介为阻止魔灵入侵、守护生态和人类的安全,加迪安成立了专属应对魔灵及魔物的V机关(the Vanquishers),12岁少年第五仁的父母在第一次魔灵战役中牺牲,仁便加入V机关成为学员,从而展开一段漫长的复仇之旅……








内容简介:  她是个瞎子,在黑暗中生活了二十年。  最终被冠上通奸罪名害死。  当她重新睁开眼睛,看到了这个多彩的世界。  ——翻手苍凉,覆手繁华。  一切不过都在她一念之间。  PS:他知道那 个杀伐果断的女子,一抢,二闹,三不要脸,才能将她娶回家。  还不够?那他只能当一回腹黑的白莲花,引她来上当,要不怎么好意思叫宠妻。  虐极品,治家,平天下,少一样怎么爽起来。  ***  VIP读者群542814025,普通读者群43434563  教主新书《嫁冠天下》欢迎大家阅读。书号:10112580771w0-518 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:从推进城开始的黑翼大魔】苍戌穿越海贼世界,获得乌尔奇奥拉·西法的模板传承。因为融合模板的时候,闹出太大的动静,直接毁了一个岛,导致被桃兔中将认为是魔头,开局就 被抓进大监狱推进城里。“我本非魔,但是你们都认为我是魔头,那就让大魔降临世间吧!”自此,从推进城走出的黑翼大魔,开始在大海上肆虐!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78935 >>


内容简介:豪门世家天之骄子业界精英甜文主角:黎悦,林宴淮┃配角:┃其它:一个关于暗恋与守候的故事立意:暗恋成真,为了追赶你,变成最好的我自己。:原名《我和爱豆互飙演技》1鬼才音乐人林宴淮,矜贵高 冷,不近女色,长相妖孽撩人,创作实力超群,是当之无愧的顶流。总有十八线想碰瓷,统统被林宴淮当场否认打脸。粉丝:哥哥总是亲自下场,我们毫无用武之处,不知该哭还是笑。某日,一向寡言的林宴淮在采访中突然公开了理想型。1w0-97644 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:超神狙击手】怀揣军人梦想的齐麟,葬身病魔之手,来到了特种兵的世界,带来了一个不强不弱的超神基因,神河狙击手。伞兵:“狙击手不需要跑这么快!我当狙击手就 是为了看着你们跑,哎,你等等我!”何晨光“他是我见过最好的狙击手。”猎空:“狙击枪可以打直升机我理解,战斗机你怎么打?”飞行员:“楼上的,你礼貌嘛!”冷锋:“五杀,超神!”齐麟:“我不想超神,只想圆梦!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-73560 >>


内容简介:    在夏族的安阳行省,有一个很小很不起眼的领地,叫——雪鹰领!  故事,就从这里开始!  **  继《莽荒纪》《吞噬星空》《九鼎记》《盘龙》《星辰变》《寸芒》《星峰传说》后,番茄的 第八本小说!  1w0-410 >>


内容简介:  身为一家超五星级酒店首席大厨的李奇,因为喝了点小酒,竟然奇迹般的穿越到了北宋末年。  来到这个无亲无故的陌生世界,无奈之下,李奇只好抄起了老本行,在汴京一家即将贱卖的酒楼做起了厨师 。  李奇原本只想做一名低调的小厨师,可是是金子到哪都会发光,男人太出色,有时候真不见得是一件好事。  “高太尉想吃牛排?-没空!”  “蔡太师想吃火锅?-让他提前一个月预约。”  “李师师想吃水果沙拉?-呃...白天没空,晚上再去。”  “李清照想吃芝士蛋糕?-问她和赵明诚离婚了没有?”  “皇上想吃金汉全席?-还在筹备当中,十年后再说。”  1w0-527 >>

Kami Sen

Izumi Koutarou's family has been working at their hot spring resort for many generations. But it seems that the hot spring has dried out and the family began to have financial problems. The situation got so bad they were planning to skip town. As a last resort, they try to pray to their god, Konoha-sama, which was in legend sealed in their backyard. At first they thought that nothing will happen, but the next second, the seal broke and their god was free. But apparently, Konoha-sama lost her memories because of her long sleep, and thus, she doesn’t know what her power are or what kind of god is she. The only thing she is certain about is that she is somehow connected to Koutarou. And as reward she revives their hot spring, but soon Koutarou learns that she is the god of poverty and also has the worst luck. How is the resort or even Koutarou going to survive this?

Megane Goshi No Sora Wa...

1-3) The Sky Over My SpectaclesEven though Azumas 'spectacle fetish' is infamous, guys are out of the question, and Sorachi is definitely way out of the question - hes too serious for him to even carry on a decent conversation with. One day, however, Azuma finds Sorachi asleep without his glasses, and can't help himself from kissing him! Glasses may be the thing that attracts Azuma to Sorachi... or is it?4) Let's Fall in LoveMinami always seems to walk in on Sawai being confessed to! Sawai doesn't know how good he has it, being beloved by cute girls. But there's a reason Sawai turns them down...5) Let's Meet at One O'ClockEvery day Detective Saegusa Noritaka has an unwilling lunch date in serious cafe worker Nanase Ikumi. But every time Saegusa tries to get closer Nanase pulls away. 6) Kirishima (Saegusa's assistant)'s younger neighbor Tetsuji is getting ready to go to college. Kirishima's always had a crush on the younger man, but has never been able to tell him. But before he leaves, Tetsuji suddenly kisses him!Sequel:>Wild Darling( http://mangapark.com/search?q=wild-darling )

Sawatte, Tokashite

The cute, slightly sinful, collection of stories. 1) Touch Me, Melt Me Tatsuya is a second year high school student whose tutor, and subsequently his father’s subordinant, tells him 'I’m in love with you,' and suddenly kisses him! Since then, even as he repels Saejima, Tatsuya is hyper-aware of him, but Saejima is constantly joking around, and Tatsuya doesn’t know how far he’s being serious. Why is it that the mature looks on Saejima’s face make Tatsuya’s heart to throb, and feel every touch?! (from Blissful Sin) 2) Touch Me, Spoil Me Continuation of chapter one. 3) How Do You Think I Feel Story about two video rental coworkers, Atsushi and Tetsu. 4) The Stars That I See When I’m with You Are Pretty Story about bath-house part timer Koutarou and the customer Aoi. 5-6) Flip · Flop Brothers Kiyo and Shun have somehow become estranged from each other, what could possibly be the reason?

Terror Infinity

Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you really want to live?

Mr Nice_ An Autobiography

Mr Nice_ An Autobiography summary: Mr Nice_ An Autobiography summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr Nice_ An Autobiography. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

After I Do

After I Do summary: After I Do summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of After I Do. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Life of Bret Harte

The Life of Bret Harte summary: The Life of Bret Harte summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of Bret Harte. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Rocky Mountain Wonderland

The Rocky Mountain Wonderland summary: The Rocky Mountain Wonderland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rocky Mountain Wonderland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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